Wednesday 4 April 2012

Crab Farm Season Officially Over

Yep! You heard right! I'm talkin' to YOU!

The time had to come to close up shop. These guys have been given notice - the restaurant is closing its doors for the season. They have to make their way back into the world, with new shells, new skins, stronger bigger bodies and maybe some new friends!

But first, the Closing Day Party. Special doorprize - painted shells. First come, first served. I painted three shells with colors. That way I can tell if the crabs who return next year are using the same shells. Not the same crabs, that would be silly, Silly, but the same homes. I can see who hangs around, who did and didn't get the memo.

I got a taker for the green crescent......

Someone is interested in the yellow sun........

Got some bread, some old flower blossoms and mushy pineapple on the going away party table.

                   Sold on the yellow swirl!

Vas ist das? Oh my! A party crasher! A baby Tree Rat comes to pocket appetizers. He really is cute!

Ok folks, 
that's it for Crab Farm 2012!
show's over, keep moving.....
go on home........

Buh Bye now.........
Hasta luego........

I watch him scurry on the sand
To find a house that's second-hand.
He crawls in someone else's shell
And stays because it fits him well.
Imagine if we did the same,
Just barged right in and staked a claim
To any empty house that fit,
Then settled down to live in it.

By Sandra Liatsos

ocean moondancers
sidewinding, hiding in shells
crabs are people, too


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