Friday 6 April 2012

A Very Lawful Good Friday

Today is Good Friday and due to an old law it is illegal to sell or serve alcohol between the hours of 9AM and 4PM. Just in time for Happy Hour, the celebratory breaking of the fast. This law doesn't apply to retail stores so if your skin is itching and you're seeing flying monkeys, get thee to Starfish Market, buy a bottle and drink it in the parking lot.

There's been a feeling of unrest the last few days. I got chewed out by a woman who accused me of not saying "Excuse me" in the grocery store. I was nearly pushed off the road one too many times. Can't put my finger on any one thing, more a vibe, bad juju, many small events that can push your tolerance button and make you say "what's with everybody?" George just came back from town getting the water jugs filled, he looked pale. Very pale. Something about a truck, a hill and a rope.

Holidays are big here. Important. Remember Valentine's Day? Religion is taken very seriously. Easter is big. It's a 4 day festival. That said, so is partying, and tonight is once again the full moon. The Pink Moon! Easter and the Moon. What do you do when they fall on the same weekend? Kind of like the planets colliding.

All this island fervor and astronomical energy is imbuing me with the spirit. I want to join in. Particularly with only a day left, it’s a good time to contemplate the beautiful world I'm in, nature, humanity, the joys of life. I know of no other place as law-bending as this. They have their own way of doing things; laws and common sense are merely suggestions.

 By the way, it was unlawful of me to take this picture from the VI Police Website.

Police Discover Newborn in Purse During Traffic Stop 
Police made a routine traffic stop that turned out to be anything but routine. The bizarre situation occurred at about 9:15 a.m. Tuesday April 3 near the basketball court. A patrol officer stopped a white Ford Ranger due to a cracked windshield. While requesting the drivers’ license and registration, the officer heard a baby cry. Not seeing a baby in the car, the officer asked the driver, “Miss, where is the baby?” The driver unzipped a black purse that was on the front passenger seat next to her and revealed a newborn baby girl.

Woman Attacked with Pots and Pans; Another with a Shotgun
 A 26-year-old female victim told police that neighbors entered into her apartment without her permission and assaulted her with pots and pans from her kitchen.
Also on Sunday at about 6:30 a.m. police were dispatched to a residence to investigate an Assault. The 44-year-old female victim told police that her common law husband threatened her with a shotgun after he saw certain text messages on her cell phone (WTF? Sorry, couldn't resist.)

 Man Arrested for Robbery with a Wooden Gun 
Police arrested 20-year-old E. Guadalupe and charged him with First Degree Robbery after he was positively identified as the person who pointed a wooden handgun at a victim and robbed him of a cellular phone. Police said Guadalupe approached an 18-year-old male and pointed what appeared to be a wooden hand gun at him. Guadalupe told the victim, “give me something” and the victim told him he had nothing to give. Guadalupe then took the victims’ cell phone and walked away.  

Tuesday, March 27, 1:00PM An Estate Bethany resident  p/r that someone is tearing down her property with a backhoe. Police assistance.

Thursday March 29, 3:35PM An Estate Adrian resident p/r that someone damaged his chicken coop and set them loose, after which they fought and killed each other [sic]. Destruction of personal property.

Speaking of Sunday, I just found out something new – taxi drivers wear their turquoise shirts on weekdays and white ones on Sunday. 
It's nutty out there. I'm relieved to see these cops keeping a watchful eye, I feel better already.

I'll be spending Easter in the A/C on a plane. Meanwhile I think I’ll sit on the porch and wait till the dust settles. First I have to go pick up some cold Cab Sav. After 4PM of course.

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