Friday 16 March 2012

Business as Usual

Sometimes you have to get stuff done.

The Business Center

Just because it's a vacation place doesn't mean you're on vacation.
A man who had a long time family connection with us passed away, I need a card, stamps. I need a notary, I need to print out some conservation easement papers... life doesn't stop because you've stepped away from it. This is a place where everything seems to want to come to a grinding halt. Sometimes it's such a battle to take care of the simplest things that you give up. That's exactly what you don't want to do. This stuff isn't going away.

And making decisions and getting the energy to tackle these chores gets more difficult as your brain slows to a pre-atrophied state. What was I going to do? I have to write up that list for that woman, where's the paper? How do I start? Who cares? I'll do it tomorrow. That's why things don't happen in tropical places. There used to be a joke:
Q: how many islanders does it take to plant a tree? 
A: 5 - one to lean on the shovel and 4 to watch.

Even if you wanted to take care of your stuff the forces are against you. Is there really a notary? The sign says so but is this person there? How old is this sign? How about ink for the printer... sorry, have to order that or go to Office Depot on STT. Paper? We mailed that down. And the usual - "we'll have it in a few days." Right.

I cringe when the Home World makes demands. Everything comes to a screeching halt while you switch gears to fulfill the task. Sometimes you're lucky, everything falls into place and you sigh," Hey that wasn't so bad!" Sometimes you just want to give up. Can it wait 3 more weeks till I get back?

And there's the privacy factor. Do I want So-And-So from Skinny Legs Bar to know I came in with a legal paper saying whatever? It's such a small island and everyone knows everyone and their business, or the rumors thereof.

You just have to devote the energy and take it one step at a time. Like childbirth. Like getting a cavity filled. These are things you can't ignore, might as well deal with it.

As it turned out, the business day went well. George and I created a new conservation easement info package and it printed out without a hitch. There is no ink on the island, there's a computer guy who will refill your cartridge, but still, we have only black. We met with our mentor from the Trust for Public Lands. The notary was in and very happy to get to use her squishy thingy, I mailed out the paperwork, mailed the condolence card (last stamp). Otherwise, they had no file folders.... I didn't think they would. And George's Nook cover got sent to St John, North Dakota.

On the way home we passed a horseback riding group. I've never gone on this tour, it always seemed too hot, but it's very popular.

 All in all a productive day, painless. It gave me time to exercise my brain and feel the rewards of doing something, I was a responsible human for a few hours. I like that. And home just in time for iced green tea and.................

THE BIRD PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!

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