Monday 19 March 2012

Live Like a Hummer

                               to be free of the constraints of time, to celebrate the everyday,                                  and to enjoy the wonderment of our lives.

Sunday and Monday disappeared in a cloud of government paperwork. Our newly formed one year old land conservation corporation had to scramble to put together an official and professional looking packet answering specifically detailed IRS questions complete with documentation. The two of us have been typing, printing, researching, digging into files, finding our stuff, writing, correcting, dissecting since yesterday. My head was in a tunnel of bogged down legalese and the mazes of Federal double speak.

Aside from final review and mailing it out, we are done. Until the next round of questions, and the next. I am very proud of our group. The three of us work very hard at this.

The air has been still, the sea flat like a lake. Now the edge is off and I can relax knowing I did well. It's rewarding to accomplish a project of this magnitude. At the same time I feel like I've lost a couple days of my life. Where was I? It was so easy to lose the rhythm of a hot, island day.
So I made some green tea and have lifted my head. My Hummer buddies are here to cheer me on. 

A brilliant idea - let's move the Hummer feeder so it's in the morning and evening sun, it's when we're sitting out there anyway, then we can actually see the gorgeous colors! Success! Just goes to show, you shouldn't get stuck in one mind set. Reach outside the box. Change it. Go for some island flexibility, guys! And face every day like the Hummers do.

Forget it, YOU are not a Hummingbird!

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