Friday 9 March 2012


 Always old, sometimes new, never sad, sometimes blue. Never empty, sometimes full, never pushes, always pulls.

 One thing that's almost impossible to capture is the night sky. You just have to see it like this one day, and I hope you do. Free of light and air pollution  the sky here goes on forever. I have spent hours looking up, deep into the  black night that isn't black at all, but gazillions majillions  googolplex of points of light and colors. Comets, planets, the Milky Way, constellations, the U.S communication satellite - my eyes can't focus anymore! The amount of stars is an idiot argument with my mind that I can't hope to win. It's overwhelming. It goes beyond me, I am so small, so I don't even try to fathom it. I just stare, and stare, and stare, until my mind can't grasp the endlessness of it. Have you ever done that? Just kept staring at the night sky until you can't grasp and accept any more thought or vision of what you're seeing? Until your mind can no longer wrap itself around what you're seeing as it tries to make sense of it in relation to ones self? Forget it!

Full Moon Through the Frangipanis

Open the lattice, listen to me!
The cool balmy breeze is abroad on the sea!
The moon like a queen, roams her realms of blue,
And the stars keep their vigils in the heaven for you.
Ere morn's gushing light tips the hills with its ray,
Away o'er the waters, away and away!
Then open the lattice, listen to me!
While the moon's in the sky and breeze on the sea!

Stephen Foster 1826-1864

Full moon night here is a night of parties, moon glow hikes, spooky parades of lantern lit kayaks and night snorkels. It's drifting music, stories, flashlights in the dark, traditional circle drumming, a distant fire on a hill, Jumbies * and Duppies **. It's a night or pirates, signals from a distance ship, buried treasure. Maybe something you always thought was an old story turns out to be real.  A full moon night casts shadows as if it was noon. Everything becomes flat shades of gray and night becomes day. Birds stay awake all night calling and flying. It's time to petition the Earth for what you wish, and if it harm none, do what you will. The full moon is symbolic of the height of power, the peak of clarity, fullness and obtainment of desire.

Being so close to the equator the familiar night features from northern homes are turned around. The moon is upside down making it's crescent a smile, the Big Dipper is spilling instead of containing. STJ isn't the be all and end all of star-gazing, you can spend some really nice nights at the Jersey shore seeing Jupiter's moons and some wild 4AM meteor showers. The desert sky is another beautiful place.  The news is today the Northern Lights are appearing in New England. How I'd like to see that show!

So we really just need to get away from the masses and our Earth bound minds and take the time to step back from the hubris, to realize how inconsequential we really are, how little control we have over others and our lives aside from how we choose to deal with it all; that the world is going to go on being here just like this, just as it's been, long after we are gone.That's pretty much etched in stone.

So go look at the full moon, and make it good, people!

I'll find you in the morning sun,
And when the night is new,
I'll be looking at the moon
But I'll be seeing you.

Sammy Fain & Irving Kahal

Moonrise Over the East End

Here's a sigh to those who love me,
And a smile to those who hate:
And, whatever sky's above me,
Here's a heart for every fate. 

Lord Byron 

I am white, I am round but not always around. Sometimes I am half sometimes I am whole sometimes a slice of me is all you'll know. Sometimes I am light,sometimes I am dark, sometimes I am both.  Everybody wants to walk on me, but only a happy few ever have. What am I ?

from Transporter 2

This is a good link to see what's going on above YOU tonight!

Moon Shadows


What holds the moon up?

How do you know when the moon is going broke?
When it's down to its last quarter.

What do you call a clock on the moon?
A lunartick.

How does a man on a moon get his haircut?
Eclipse it.

Moon River, by Johnny Mercer & Henry Mancini

Pianist: ElBananakeet
Celviano electric keyboard 

 * Jumbie: The spirit of a dead person, typically an evil one.
** Duppy: a ghost or spirit. A duppy can be either the manifestation (in human or animal form) of the soul of a dead person, or a malevolent supernatural being. In Obeah a person is believed to possess two souls - a good soul and an earthly soul. In death, the good soul goes to heaven to be judged by God, while the earthly spirit remains for three days in the coffin with the body, where it may escape if proper precautions are not taken, and appear as a duppy.


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