Tuesday 6 March 2012

Decisions Decisions

 Mornin' Mornin'  Mr Sun! Another day in paradise!

Morning Morning!

 Sometimes there's a day or two, when I just do nothing. These days seem to fall on Monday and Tuesday. If it's hot and the humidity has moved in, the wind dies down, like today, there isn't much choice. Thinking of hiking, an art project, going into town, even driving to the hot, buggy beach - all become an effort. Then I start to imagine and let whatever comes along, come. Big ideas are created when you're not distracted by being a contributing member of society.

These are good days when I could catch up on computer stuff, emails, knit, read, collect shells, on line bill pay, list seeds for this years garden, make lists for when I go back, should I finally get a new car? And browse Zappos Shoes (they ship to STJ!) . Zounds, I miss catalogues! I could make sure the birds and Bee-bies have sugar and honey water. I could feed the crabs. 

Monday the Tradewinds local paper comes out. That's when we get the new crossword puzzle, see what happened in the last week and if anything else is going to happen. It's about 20 pages long with lots of ads. I can make the articles last about 30 minutes. This week a very good one came out about the St. John Land Conservancy and our push to make West Indian landowners aware of the benefits of conservation easements. I wrote the article and the journalist perfected it. I'm now working on another article to announce the transfer of a property to the National Park in June. We hope to control the news, though the Park newsletter is about to put out an announcement and most people here know about this anyway. A hiking buddy of mine is a Park Ranger here, he writes for the newsletter.

We could go pick up mail, maybe my knitting needles have come in,  and stop at Shipwreck for lunch.

George could get hit by the Man-Muse and take the downtime to repair the flapping jeep roof. He could always nap on the porch. Or do laundry. Or put the towels and linens in plastic tubs so they don't get mildewy.

In True Island Style

When the heat lets up around 3.30 it's possible to rejuvenate. Over the hump. It looks and feels like there should be a thunderstorm, the clouds are heavy and fat, but that won't happen.

Tell Me Something I Don't Know

 Sometimes George does some strange things with his phone camera. Or he buys really cheap wine. Or both. September 2011 was a good month.

Tuesday is a good day to get food, the shelves seem their best stocked . But Tuesday is also cruise ship day. If a ship is in there could be 1500 extra people with red arms nervously driving rental cars , dorking around taking videos out car windows, stopping to see the view, plugging along at 10mph on the road between Cruz and Coral Bay.

The Bus!

 It's not unusual for there to just be too much happening for everyone's island brain to sort it out. Stuff like this:

The Starfish Market has some interesting Bush Teas, they're good for what ails ya. Need to cure an upset stomach, sleep better, make your ex disappear? I haven't tried them. I did have Noni tea once, that was pretty good, and the Hibiscus tea is good cold. I would be hesitant to have a tea brewed at home from a backyard plant.

And look at all the juices! How's the Litchi juice? I've never heard of some of these things.

Factoid: It's Against the Law to Take Photos in the Grocery Store

So maybe going into town isn't a good idea. I could always water the plants. Today the wind is low and the No-See-Ums are out in force so I'll have to gear up - long pants, socks, long sleeves and a head scarf. After watering I could have a Ginger Shandy - a mix of beer, ginger and lemonade. I love those. Tonight it's my turn to make dinner- beans and rice and  wilted spinach with garlic and pine nuts. There's news of Pink Flamingos at Francis Bay salt pond and an Atlantic Manta Ray has been sighted for some time swimming in Francis Bay. I might get myself psyched to go looking. If you don't force yourself to DO SOMETHING, the island slow pace becomes island ennui. Tuesday is yoga night. That's one way to fight back.

Or I could just have some tea and think about it. 

1 comment:

  1. That picture you took of goat heard, I just wanted to wish I was there with you guys and I'd have been like, seeing as we are going 5-10 mph I'm gonna get out of the jeep and move that baby goat out of the road. XD :-3
