Wednesday 22 February 2012

Beachin' It at Francis Bay

I love Francis Bay. Even though Maho used to be my favorite beach - it's prettier and has more charm, - Francis is next door and just as pleasant. Francis is what Maho used to be. Poor Maho has become a wounded sister. It's like the Jersey Shore on July 4th. The Park bulldozed a parking lot and if you build it they will come. And they sure do! But Francis, right next door and down an unwelcoming  rutted road is a better bet. 

It's always calm, the water is clear, the
sand is soft. George says it's ok to have places like Maho where people are crammed in just so there can be the calm of a Francis. Maho used to be a Francis! I'm saddened by the overpopulation at Maho and worry for it's future, but as it is with things here, there is nothing to be done.
Look! Now you see her, now you don't! 

I didn't like this woman in the photo of the beach so I removed her using Photoshop! When you have a lot of time to do nothing, as you know, you have to DO SOMETHING. Learning how to navigate Photoshop is one something I've been meaning to do. 
I keep promising myself I'll learn Spanish with Rosetta Stone. I was starting to pick it up pretty well on our trip to Peru. 

We got a good spot in the shade when three stud muffins left.  It's around 3.30 by now, clouds have rolled in, the sun is gone. Just the die hards are here. Even though the sun has disappeared and the water doesn't take on that beautiful turquoise it normally does, the temp is perfect and the water is clear and calm. Fish are jumping out of the water, pelicans are diving.

Francis has the added feature of a boardwalk that you can take along the pond and through the mangroves. Nearby is the remains of a rum factory dated 1814, and an estate house. You can pick up a trail there at the rum storage building and circle the pond. 
If you find the house ruins, go past them to a bench that overlooks the pond. The pond is a favorite spot for bird watching. With the bench on your left find a way to go up the hill to the right. You should find a series of goat paths that will take you around some ruins, nice stonework in the walls, maybe you'll find the graves! This plaque was added recently in commemoration. Previously there has just been an above ground grave with a worn name.

Hello Hester!

Beach chickens! I had some crumbs from a lemon iced angel cake slice from Deli Ghotto. The chicks are so cute! Mom was diligent, proud, attentive. Note to self - bring bread crumbs.

We stayed till the no-see-ums came out, driving us away. Not long enough, but there are other days and other beaches. 

And Wednesday is pizza night at Donkey Diner!

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