Wednesday 29 February 2012

We Got Some Wild Wildlife

 If you like wildlife like I do, and maybe interested in tropical wildlife, check out this link. The author of this lovely Bahamian Blog contacted me about using one of my photos and I got to get a look at what a REAL Blogger can do. It's fantastic and an inspiration! Maybe a road trip to Rolling Harbour, Bahamas is in order? They have parrots! It looks absolutely gorgeous! Some comparison island research? All for the good of the Blog! Let's go! 


 Though I love all animals and like to think I have an affinity for them, I'm partial to birds. Though you can't hug and pet a bird, it doesn't mean they don't have the ability to connect. They interact with you and each other. They're smart with individual personalities. My favorite island bird, as you know by now, is the Bananaquit. He's active, pretty, alert, he seems to get along with everyone. Living in the moment, he goes about his day with a light and cheery attitude. Whatever happens, happen. He's inquisitive, brave. He doesn't mind the attacks and dirty looks he gets from the intense Hummers. He'll take on a wasp if they get too annoying, with a quick snap of the beak the insect is toast. Yet he's tolerant of the honeybees. I think he's a good judge of character, our Keets! We should all be more like the B-Keet.

There are many species of birds here. I only see about 10 of them and they aren't very pretty or vibrant. I think a lot of the birds that get recorded here are migratory, just passin' t'roo. It's said there are parrots in town, captive escapees, but I've never seen them. Why can't parrots and other tropical birds live here? Because this isn't a moist tropical island. It's dry and there aren't the fruits parrots and colorful birds need. The birds here are primarily insect, seed and nectar eaters.

I never get tired of watching the birds. 
Every day it's a different story. 
Gray Kingfisher and the Lesser Antillean Bullfinch (below)
Smooth Billed Ani
Scaly-Naped Pigeon

George made this Artform for the birds, and he took this video.
My apologies for the youtube formatting at the end. I have to figure out how to do away with it, any suggestions send them to me.

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