Tuesday 21 February 2012

The St John Arts Festival That Wasn't

What happened to the St John Arts Festival?
I was really looking forward to this event. It's a biggie! Last year it was a flop because it was moved to a distant ball field because the main park in Cruz Bay where these festivals usually take place was being renovated. Right in the middle of high tourist season. Remember, this is when people make their money. This year when it was expected to be back in the park, there was no one there, just 4 tables set up in a side area. What happened?

 There used to be food, crafts, music, jewelry, hot sauces, herbs, souvenirs, Bob Marley mugs, sarongs and island clothing, and most of all, a crowd of happy people. I looked into this. As usual, Someone wanted to fix Something - namely what they felt was an eyesore greeting people arriving on the ferry. They said they didn't want a "tent city". This simply wasn't a problem! Now they've ruined an annual cultural event and robbed the local businesspeople of their tourist income. And the rest of us of a wicked good time!
What a mistake! I really hope they bring back the arts festival.

 Around 1pm local musicians Inner Visions started setting up. They played to a drifting, unmotivated crowd. Their music is raunchy today, peeling wah-wah and deep reggae bass. It moves you to embrace it from the first note. But at the same time, it seemed like the band's heart wasn't in it either.  They were off beat, out of tune, distracted. It was a sad day for STJ culture. 

 This man was playing along using a ridged can and a metal Afro comb. Any ideas on the significance of the coon skin cap and fake beard?

Grasshopper Pickering: I Want His Hair

This video is a pan of Frank Powell Park. 
 Don't the people look thrilled? SNORE! Everyone is waiting for the ferry or to go somewhere else, there's no reason for them to be hanging out. The pavers are the new renovations, there used to be sandy gravel and more trees. 
See if you can see George.

There's always something happening in Cruz Bay if you just sit still long enough. Seeing a shiny, black Beemer with tinted windows is worth noting. What happened next went so smoothly and choreographed so well it made me wonder if it really happened. If whatever happened, happened.

And guess who I saw! I don't think she recognized me. 

Cruz Bay

Tourist Time!

 The day is ending. After three days, this morning I finally got a person at Budget. She was helpful and solved my problem by saying she'd call the mechanic, who, as it turned out, we knew. But when we got back to the house there was no message, so George tracks him down. He arrives within the hour, saying he hadn't been called. The Wrangler is now out of 4 wheel drive and we're good to go!
This is so normal here, this way of  solving a problem. Come up with the solution and that's as far as it goes. They say they will fix the problem, but they don't take the next step to actually do it.

Sundowner Time. There's a northerly wind blowing, which means no bugs and a cool night. We can sit outside on the porch and watch the light fade away. It turned out to be a good day on this little island.

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