Friday 24 February 2012


 1. Watch the sun rise, get up around 7AM, hug husband, feed the birds, have breakfast.
 2. Have tea on the porch, watch the boats go by.
 3. Check out the garden and the bees, look for crabs.
 4. Read and answer email.
 5. Go to Miss Vie's for lunch, rice and beans. Yum.
 6. Get hailed by friends Su and Tom broken down by the side of the road.
 7. Give same a ride to town to get auto part, DVD and pay their PO Box bill.
 8. Read, drink green tea, watch birds.
 9. Think about what to do tomorrow.
10. Watch the sun go down, listen to music, eat mango.
11. Finish the crossword puzzle, write blog.
12. Read, knit and watch TV.
13. Go to bed.

# 6 & 7 can be omitted. Possible substitutions include but not limited to: go to the beach, swim, take a walk.
 For a quiet week, month, year ..... repeat as needed. 

All in one of the most beautiful places in the world! 

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