Thursday 2 February 2012

These Guys Really Had To Go

This is a Jack Spaniards nest. They're non-aggressive, small wasps that are actually very nice about warning you with fly-bys, buzzing and light taps before they actually get pissed off and sting you. When they sting you it hurts. Really. They like to make their nests in the open, hanging freely from a vine or branch right at eye level where you walk, so when you're out hiking or anywhere in the bush its a good idea to be aware what's in front of you. Though I'm usually a live and let live kind of person when these guys are in the garden or along a trail they have to go. I was heading down a goat path to the mangroves to check out the beach when I was surrounded by light flying things, like feathers. I thought "Moths!" Then "Moths?" and realized I was being warned as they all came out to swarm my head. Best to slowly back away. 

This morning we went into town to the third choice grocery store - St John Market. There is also Starfish and Dolphin Markets, then out our way Lily's in Coral Bay run by Middle Easterns who always play Arab programs on their TV. There's no way you can get everything you want at one store, and there's no guarantee the stock will be the same from day to day so best get it while the gettin's good.  There were cheaper strawberries ($5.39) but no blueberries. Starfish had blueberries ($7.99) but no garlic salt. Mangos were ripe at Starfish. Lily's Market had lentils but no veg stock. It's taken me 4 days to amass enough ingredients to make lentil soup. 

Once its 3.30pm like clockwork the No-See-Ums come out and you can't sit on the porch any more. The sun goes down around 6.15 then it's DARK. We have basic cable, shows are an hour later than they are Eastern Time - thus NCIS normally on at 8pm is on at 9pm etc. George watches "America's Funniest Video's" and "How It's Made" as a default, sometimes "Sponge Bob" which drives me to sobs, but we also have DVDs like "Conquistadors" ,"Prime Suspect", the entire season of "24" which we mail down. 
And whatever the cheapo wine of the year is.

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