Monday 27 February 2012

To-tal Gridlock, Mon.

Ok I had to tell this story. I hope the video comes across and it's not a thing where you just had to be there. It unraveled like a comedy of errors. I just couldn't believe the stupidity.

George and I go into town for our basic errands - groceries, get the water jugs filled. It's a Monday , which isn't a good day. People are coming off the weekend, they're hungover, they hate going back to work... whatever! 
We pull into the parking lot at Mongoose Junction. Parking here on normal days is insane, but today was total madness. Some people should not be in control (?) of 2000lbs of metal. Rental cars have gotten too big, there aren't enough spaces and the lot is hardly maneuverable. 
In front of us is a delivery truck. In the video he's on the right facing us. He pulled over to let the woman on the left pass him. She's in a large SUV, but she has room. She feels she can't pass. So she sits, paralyzed. No one does anything, no one comes out to guide her, which looking back the truck men should have done. We sat for nearly 5 minutes because we couldn't go forward and we couldn't go back, there are cars behind us stacked into the street.

Suddenly she starts to back up. Fast.  It's like I'm not there!  A couple leaving their car beside me calls out "NO! NO!" and gestures. I'm saying "Stop! Stop!" The woman  stops suddenly and says something angrily out the window. Like it's MY fault for being behind her? Go forward! Big picture! Big picture!

Then from behind the delivery truck another SUV pulls out to pass the truck. What's this all about? It actually confirms what I always knew, she could have passed the truck in the first place.

A man from the Wrangler on the right tells the woman he's coming out, if she backs up he can get out and she can take his place. Seems simple enough. Driving 101. We're saved!

Tick... tick... tick. He's sitting in his car, the SUV that came from behind now has HIM blocked.

This is when George pulls out the camera and starts the video.

Now what can a person be thinking at this time? That you can sit there forever? Well, they're ALL thinking that because NOTHING IS HAPPENING. The only explanation is she's in shock.

The guys in the truck just leave. They get out and walk away.

At that point I back out into the street, luckily the people behind me have left. Everyone had to leave the parking lot in order for this one woman to free herself from the snarl SHE created by becoming immobile.

To add to this, as I pull out into the street the woman who was behind me wants to park in a tight space.  Unbelievable. I couldn't have made this up. You watch this happening in front of you and you think  "Is everyone braindead?"

I lately started putting my videos on YouTube because the quality is better than downloading the video from my computer files, but I don't like the ads at the end. Ignore them. I'm trying to figure out how to make them stop. 
Ok, here we go.....

1 comment:

  1. LOL when the jeep guy went to talk to the woman and G made some improve that was really funny XD.
