Sunday 5 February 2012

An Island Sunday

My friend Suwadee works in a store about a mile down the road. It's a touristy place that sells skimpy clothing too small for most people (especially if you're a woman with a butt and boobs), incense, wood crafts, jewelry and sarongs. It was a good day to go visit her, early enough so the sun was kind, a breeze, and a nice walk since there wasn't a lot of traffic, just some donkeys and a guy whose car had broken down. He shrugged at me and I waved. 
Su is lots of fun, she's never without a positive word and a smile.She's up for anything and I've personally seen her experience it! She lives here with her husband, Tom, for 7 months and NJ for 4 months. Tom's  name is really George, so we say "My" George before we talk about our George's.
The store is called "Now and Zen", next to Shipwreck Landing restaurant in Coral Bay. Shipwreck has ok food, but the location is the draw.

Shipwreck Landing

 was sitting on the front deck while Su folded scarves when Bruce Oxnard turned up on his way to the outdoor privy. Bruce lives on the North Shore, so seeing him out "that far" was unusual, but he was having lunch at Shipwreck. I was uncomfortable talking to Bruce. He acts like he doesn't trust anyone which in turn makes me wary of him. He smiles but his eyes are darting back and forth and he seems tense. Like me, he's an exploratory hiker and he told me he's been hiking out on the East End using a new map Bob gave him, a map I thought was for a limited audience (me). I was annoyed with Bob. The whole thing reminded me of all that's bad about the STJ trail-hiking politics.
3PM and George is opening the bottle of Yellow Tail Chardonnay. There's a windsurfer on the bay, but most sailors have gone to their Super Bowl Parties. This is a big excuse to get drunk, though down here just celebrating the sun being out is enough. The porch is cool and shady. I am reading "Mountains Beyond Mountains" by Tracey Kidder and working on a scarf, the colors are influenced by my recent trip to Peru. Since I quit the volunteer National Park maintenance program (politics and evil undercurrents) I have a lot of free time. We'll see how that goes, not being one to just hang around, it's easy to get antsy. 

We will talk as the sun goes down, inside because the wind has died. Later we'll watch TV, do email, maybe play a game. Today is the full moon. Every month there's a Full Moon Party at Fries Bay at Miss Lucy's, with food, drink and a jazz or blues band. The moon is so bright here its like daytime. You can take hikes to spooky cliffs and see the land washed in shades of blue. How can this compete with the Super Bowl?


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