Tuesday 14 February 2012


This is a BIG day on STJ! Aside from how important it is that I remind myself its Tuesday (George asks me every day "What day is it?") .... it's Valentines Day , February 14th. Here in Love City the only day bigger than this is Christmas. Ok, maybe Easter. 
Vendors are set up everywhere selling 4 feet tall white stuffed bears holding giant hearts, red flowers, balloons all in a basket sealed in plastic. The world turns red and white with the romantic displays.

There is so much excitement you can feel it in the humid air, and it's not just your dripping sunscreen. The island way to show someone your devotion is to give them the biggest stuffed animal and the biggest plastic wrapped flowers and the biggest box of melting chocolates with red foil wrapping that you can find.

Palm Tree Love

  Today is also the annual Celebration of Love, as more than 300 people make the pilgrimage to Trunk Bay , not to be confused with the August migration of the spawning hermit crabs, to renew their vows at sunset, STJ's barefoot minister Anne Marie Porter presides for free. This is her web site, be sure to check out the video of the vow renewal ceremony.

In honor of LOVE here's me and George, my travel buddy, my partner, my understanding, laid back and sometimes annoying friend who puts up with me. Ok so the picture was taken on St Lucia, love follows wherever you go. Unless you're stuck in a tiny cruise ship stateroom for 31 days.

I ♥ George

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