Monday 6 February 2012


Everyday is more or less the same, the only thing that makes it different is what you do. It's easy for each day to merge into the next, into a series of warm, sunny, quiet, nothingness.

First Morning Light on the Traveler Palm

Morning Hummingbird

 It was after 11.30 am by the time we decided to DO SOMETHING. I was becoming adhered to the kitchen chair watching the windsurfers and sailboats. Even then it was just down the road to Island Blues for lunch. They were inundated with patrons and couldnt handle the volume of 10 people, it didn't help that the waitress brought silverware one piece at a time. The owner was out among the tables apologizing that the food would get out today, but people started to care less and less, they were serving bitter $3.00 margaritas in ice tea glasses.

View from Our Table

 But listen up -  if you don't DO SOMETHING you start to feel like never doing anything. Even the idea of thinking about DOING SOMETHING becomes too much work. You start to look forward to 5 o'clock when you can have a glass of wine, then its 4, then 3, then.... you get me. You need to force yourself to start a project, take a hike, check the paper for a class or event, keep a calendar. This is why I started this Blog, because right now I am DOING SOMETHING. Weekly IQ drops by 25 points here with enough sitting around and alcohol. Soon you won't know your name if you don't DO SOMETHING.
Anyway... what was I DOING? 

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