Sunday 12 February 2012

What Yoh Do in de Dark Does Come to Light

Cu ya , I stopping at de Triangle dwahn Cora Beeyee
This is where Centerline Road meets Rt. 107, whose name is uncertain depending who you talk to but which I call the Salt Pond Road because that's where it goes ...eventually. Anyway, there are t'ree tint set up, the start of what might be a vendors market one day. Soon Come! One ooman was selling local food, good nyam - curry chicken, rice and beans, Johnny Cakes - the second yute had drinks and jewelry, the t'ird Miss had handpainted bird feeders. They were chatting away in their lovely lyrical voices about the cost of de box dem at Havensight Mall on Sint To-MAS, ending in the wise all-encompassing recapping philosophy of  "Sometime you miss" with a shrug and a laugh. After some social conversation which is expected before getting to business, I pick a birdfeeder, then ask the lady if I can have the monofiliment line thats hanging it up. I was obviously chupit and she suddenly became a demon crying out "'You tink I no gee you what hole up de BEADS? It hole up de BEADS!" I had visions of the following: "Yoh livah dry up and Ah eat she wit patty bread and all yo pickney dem be cursed!" as she pulls a chicken from her apron and cuts off its head, flinging the warm blood at me. But she got distracted by having to figure out whether to give me a bag or not. This became a challenge so it came to me the quickest escape was to say I no want a bag and just go. As I left I noticed she had signed her name on the painted feeder so I asked, "are you Sonia Sprauve? (Sprow)", she said "YES!" like "And whats it to YOU?" I said it was nice to meet her. Always deal with anything on the island with politeness and a smile. As I walked away they were all laughing. I made their day, and they made mine!

De Bead Dem
Dwahn - down
Cora Beeyee - Coral Bay
T'ree - three
Tint - tents
Ooman - woman
Nyam - to eat, eats
Yute - young man
T'ird - third
De box dem - boxes
Sint To-MAS - St Thomas
Chupit - stupid
Tink...hole up de beads - you think I won't give you what's holding up the beads ?
Yo pickney dem - your children                                                                                               

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